Working from home seems like a dream job to many. There’s no chattering from the office cubicle next to you, no cold morning commutes, and not to mention, you have the liberating ability to have conference calls in your warm fuzzy slippers. As we’re experts in creating office designs to boost productivity, we feel like it’s our job to debunk two myths on working from home.
As fun as it seems, many find themselves surrounded by three big, beige walls at home. As colors are proven to have a huge impact on our thinking, a little color could help. So, if you’re not in a colorful office cubicle, we recommend getting some wall art or a splash of paint your walls. One of our clients had walls that we loved- a great example of adding some color.
We wouldn’t completely disagree with this. It certainly would be quieter as opposed to working in a shared company environment. However, many times at home distractions make people feel more at home. Think about it, you associate your office with working. At home however, when you hear your dog barking, microwave beeping or your kids playing in the background, you’re less likely to feel in the ‘working mode.’ This runs especially true for those just beginning with telecommuting, as it takes time to adjust.
One way to stay focused while telecommuting is to write down your schedule/goals for that day. Perhaps have an agenda on your office desk in eyesight to remind you of what’s your next order of business and to stay on track. Kimball Office offers some slick marker boards on their office furniture to make this easy. One of our clients loved this idea.
So, there you have it! Productivity is obtainable wherever you are, it just takes a working office furniture design with your needs, and a place you can associate with work.