Do you have trouble being productive and focusing while in the office? Do white and tan colors surround your desk? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you have diagnosed a common issue that can cause a lack of focus in office environments. Color has a major influence on the brain and how it works. Now think about your child’s classroom, is everything white? Does it look like a sterile environment like a doctor’s office would? How can we ask children to sit still and stay focused when we are not giving them the right environment to enable them to do so?
Well, we at OstermanCron have some great news for you! All that needs to be done to fix this issue is to grab a can of paint and start painting! If you are a teacher at a school where you aren’t allowed to paint the physical walls of the building, you can help the environment by choosing colors for the bulletin boards or school furniture that send the feeling you are trying to achieve. Incorporating the correct accent colors can completely change the feeling and environment of any classroom.
This is not just as easy as painting a fun bright color on the wall because certain colors go with certain feelings. If you are teaching a subject that tends to be stressful and high pressure such as a science or a math, then using blues and greens in your color scheme will help students stay calm and focus while not getting too stressed during that huge math exam. If you are an art teacher or an English professor, you should incorporate yellow into your color scheme as it is an optimistic and high energy color that allows your creativity to flow. If you find yourself in a situation where you need students to pay very close attention to detail, red would be a good color to incorporate as it stimulates the brain; but be careful to not overdue the red as it also tends to increase heart rates.