Picture this: It’s the year 2020 and we don’t have standard office chairs. Instead there are floating seats.
Everyone has imagined what our world will be like in the future, especially with technology’s influence. There are some very interesting predictions of how technology will change not only office design, but every aspect of our lives by the year 2020. Here are a few interesting predictions:
Morning commutes drive anyone crazy? By 2020, there’s a great chance that cars will be able to drive themselves. It’s also predicted that our cars will be able to “talk” to us and inform us when things are about to break or need servicing.
Ever been in a doctor’s waiting room and the person in the healthcare chair next to you is sniffling and coughing? Although no miracle medicine has been created yet, it’s believed that there will be drugs to monitor our health and begin us treating before an illness starts. This medicine will likely be tailored to an individual’s specific DNA and be taken like a daily vitamin.
Being a Cincinnati Office Furniture company, we have to throw in some predictions for future office furniture, right? Unfortunately, floating office desks and chairs aren’t in the foreseeable mix and what we know as modern office furniture will remain very similar. It’s the items incorporated throughout office designs that many believe will be the biggest spur of office movement. For example, devices such as computers, phones, printers, fax machines, and scanners will all be housed in one much smaller device.
If you think these advancements are far away, just take a look at these tech tidbits we are already using. It’s pretty impressive. 2020 is only five years away, so whether you see these predictions as terrific or as terrifying, get ready because it’s coming!