Unhappy vs. happy: these emotions, along with many others, are affected by the space around us. The interior/exterior design of a space is the single most important thing that can influence our mood. This can allow a person to feel calm, trusting, and engaged or tense and distracted. For this week’s post, we’ll focus on a professional environment and how spaces let employees achieve professional success.
According to the Russell and Snodgrass theory—see chart below—only two things matter when designing a space: pleasurableness and energy level.
Augustin, S. (2019). How a Place Makes Us Feel. (1).
When individuals are in a pleasant energized space, they are more inclined to reflect a positive mood. As an employer, you may be curious to know why your employee’s mood matters, as long as they get the work done. For a company to be innovative and creative, however, they need their employees to feel positive as positive moods affect decision making, getting along with others, social responsibility, and career fulfillment.
People would like to live in chosen and preferred conditions, but as an employee in a larger company ecosystem, that is not always the option. This can allow an employer to justify investments that are specific to office layout with the intention to design based on features that are generally preferred.
If you still haven’t been convinced an office redesign is justifiable, I will leave you with this statistic: The Commission for Architectural and the Built Environment and the British Council for Offices found, “with differences in productivity as high as 25% reported between comfortable and uncomfortable staff.”
If you would like to discuss a workplace redesign to ensure the productivity and creativity of your team, contact OstermanCron. From helping you select the perfect office tables, office chairs, and sectional seating options from brand name designers to helping you create a comfortable layout in your current space, we’re here to help!