Office furniture stores, such as OstermanCron, know that sometimes an office design isn’t complete without a plant. Whether it’s a small pot of bamboo on your office desk for a little luck or draping a wall plant along your office partitions, time and time again research has shown that plants are the secret ingredient for success in any office space. So, if you’re making an upcoming office move and the seed has been planted in your mind to go green, here’s some of the “top picked” plants for offices in 2016.
First, pothos plants are most popular for their low maintenance and gorgeous large green leaves. This plant only requires a light watering every once in a while and are able to adapt to even the most minimal lighting environments. Next, if you want to spruce up your office cubicle with a little color, African violets are the perfect addition. These stunningly beautiful violets require a little more attention than the pothos and need to be watered regularly.
Finally, if your desk is thoroughly covered in paper piles and pens, then perhaps a DIRTT Living Wall in your office environment is the right option. Simply put, this is literally a DIRTT wall filled with living plants. If we have your interest ‘growing’, here’s more info on these environmentally friendly and naturesque DIRTT modular walls.
While there are many different factors around us that inspire creativity every day, OstermanCron certainly recommends plants in the office space for a few other reasons you probably didn’t expect. For example, you likely didn’t know that certain plants have been found to reduce dry skin by 20%! Also, employees who have plants in their office tend to take far less sick days. So, needless to say, we give plants two (green) thumbs up.
Contact OstermanCron to learn more creative ways to incorporate plants into your office design in 2016!