Does your office design plan need an reboot?
With the rapid evolution of technology, not to mention the shift in how newer generations retrieve information within the workplace, a new term has been invented to describe such a phenomenon, the “knowledge worker”. This term was first coined by Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow, but it’s defined as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge acquired through formal training to develop products and services. In other words, knowledge workers are paid to think for a living, based on what they know and learn.
Learning in today’s office environment has become easier with the positive shift in technology. You can learn how to complete a task simply by typing a question into Google. In fact, this is the reason our office design plans focus so much on technology and how it can be seamlessly incorporated into each workspace setting.
Below you will find a few products that will allow your office design plan to adapt for collaboration and help you incorporate technology in a simple, more effective way:
Discover other ways that OstermanCron can integrate technology into your office design plan! Browse through our website to view recent projects, or contact us today for a consultation!