As a Project Manager for OstermanCron, I have found that productivity in the office begins with a lot more than a comfortable ergonomic office chair and a big pot of coffee. It’s far more than that, and here’s what I’ve found.
Productivity in the workplace starts with job satisfaction, and job satisfaction starts with morale. Morale begins with the leaders in the workplace. Some people are satisfied with going to work at their office desk every day, doing their job, and going home. Many others want to be appreciated and recognized for their hard work and dedication. That being said, what leaders of companies do to recognize their staff is HUGE in the workplace today.
Let’s be honest, everyone likes to hear how great they are. If someone feels appreciated, they’re going to work harder than the average employee. If someone feels like they are part of something great, greater results will come – period. It sounds pretty simple, but most companies fail when it comes to this concept.
So, get your staff together on a regular basis, and discuss what’s going on. Whether it’s a conference table meeting or a spontaneous water cooler discussion, just communicate. While at OstermanCron, I have found that certain office furniture designs also help in generating communication. While office cubicles are crucial for increased individual productivity, it’s the open office furniture plans which spur impromptu meetings and important conversations of employees.
If someone feels involved, they’re more likely to have a positive outlook on what’s going on around them. Also, recognize. Take the time to recognize someone’s efforts. This acknowledgement is HUGE- it makes your staff feel important and appreciated. Incentives, bonuses, lunches, team building activities – these are all great ways to motivate your employees.
Although employee productivity can be hindered for many reasons, from a big culture change to an office move, I’d love to help you out, along with the rest of our team. Bottom line, motivated employees are more productive and are ten times more likely to stick around for the long haul. Higher productivity equals more revenue. Invest in your people and it will go a LONG way!