The creative trends that emerged in 2015 are expected to continue right into 2016. Every company is looking for a special space devoted solely for creative thinking, no matter what industry. For example, a commerce company located in San Francisco recently adopted a new office furniture design trend using private spaces with comfy modular furniture known as “creative cabanas” fashioned solely as a space to fuel imagination. San Fran has been a big adopter to the creative trend and others cities across the nation are quickly catching on as well.
So the million-dollar question is: What in office design gets the creativity pumping?
The creativity is probably not in an area you would assume. No, most people don’t have their ah-hah moments while sitting at office cubicles in their own private thoughts. It’s also not at brainstorming sessions bouncing ideas off to peers. In fact, psychological research suggests that conference table meetings tend to hinder creativity, as many group members fail to share ideas for fear of rejection.
Any office furniture store probably wouldn’t want us to tell you this- but one major component to creativity isn’t what’s in your office- it’s what’s outside. Exposure to natural sunlight is directly linked to promoting creativity. Neurologically, our brain responds to sunlight with a boost in serotonin, a chemical that enhances not only our inventiveness, but also our happiness and overall health.
The above picture is of the main space at OstermanCron where our designers love to go to work on creative plans for our clients. Can you guess why? Also, many of our projects like this one have made spaces look and feel great thanks to sunlight. So next time you’re searching for some innovative encouragement, pull your office chair up to a window and let your creative juices flow!