We’ve all heard countless tips to promote being healthier in the workplace. Hit the gym after work, skip that fourth cup of coffee, and for Pete’s sake – choose the bagel over donuts in meetings! With so many different tips and suggestions floating around the office, we thought it would be beneficial to give you our top tip… stand up!
“Sitting is the new smoking!” We’ve all heard it by now. Is it just a buzz phrase, or is sitting really going to be this generation’s next public health disaster? This concern began to raise eyebrows back in the 1950s when a study discovered that heart disease was far more prevalent in bus drivers who sit all day compared to more active occupations.
Today, studies have shown that sitting for more than six hours a day increases the likelihood of dying within 15 years by 40% when compared to those who sit for less than three hours. Naturally, sitting for long hours at an office desk is clearly of great concern for those working in corporate America.
Scary statistics, right? If sitting really is the new smoking, then it’s time to quit. One of our recommendations is definitely the Kimball Office standing office desk, Priority. While everyone reading this isn’t in the position to demand a brand spankin’ new office desk, there are some very simple habits you can start forming right now. Here are three quick tips.
So, get out of your office chair! If you want to live a healthier, longer life, it’s time to take a stand.